Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dance Party

No wonder they had trouble settling down for bed! WHAT was I thinking?!


Kelly said...

How FUN! I love the hair extensions.

Deb said...

Um, nope - not looking so sleepy there at all! I hope they tired themselves out for you though. :)

Love the photos with Oldest's hair flying up!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

The hair extentions really make the outfit.

Burgh Baby said...

That is TOO FUNNY! Girlfriend really knows how to get down!

scargosun said...

They look like they are having SO much fun though! Why send them to bed?

Anonymous said...

You'll never regret it after that night... we have pictures of a similar circumstance and we all smile every time we look at those pictures... such innocence such bliss... that's what the world needs more of.

Lindsay said...

Your house sure looks like a fun one to be in :)

KathyLikesPink said...

Those are priceless! I would frame them all in a series. I love to see and hear happy children.

Your daughter is beautiful, by the way.

Sheila @ Dr said...

I love the hair too!!

My five year lately has been wearing a headband that has a big heart sitting to the side. She likes to loop some purple beads (ala mardi gras -God help me!)around the heart and have them dangle next to her face. She then dances around and practices flipping them back! Her exotic extensions!

I keep saying honey- we didn't have to cut your hair. We can let it grow long again. She just shrugs. Hmph...we'll see. :)

Anonymous said...

haha! lovely pictures. I love it when kids dance.