Sunday, June 22, 2008


I am leaving on another business trip. All the way to Allentown, PA. I am leaving tonight and coming back tomorrow night. We will be going to Nonnie and Papa's for the day to see Uncle P and Auntie M who are here from CA with their three kids. Oldest is out of her mind to see K. K is 8 and all 5 year olds love 8 year olds. It is in their D.N.A.
According to Oldest, when I am away she is 1/2 sister, 1/2 mother. Hilarious!
Here are my boys working on Middle's bike. Note the similarity in their shirts?

Safety first! Laugh out loud he is so funny!!!


Lindsay said...

Have a nice safe trip! I like your new banner :)

KathyLikesPink said...

Safe travels!

Great shots of the kids!

Misty said...

LOVE the new banner photo! Have a safe trip! lovely shots!

Deb said...

I hope you're having a great trip!

BTW, we named the orange kitten, 'Pumpkin'. I hope you don't mind. :)

scargosun said...

Sorry we couldn't get together this time. I'll be up in MA in July!