In my grand plan of becoming organized at the beginning of school I was to have the kids clothes deposited into their respective cubby's. In the other part of the grand plan, the older two kids were supposed to get dressed on their own. But alas all plans are made to fall apart...
It is 6:49 a.m. and none of us are dressed. In fact none of the clothes are in the cubby's. No. They are piled high in laundry baskets in the laundry room. My clothes are in the washer, I must check to see if they are ready for the dryer. I don't get up before them. No that would enable me to gain control over the morning. I would be prepared for breakfast and preparing lunch/snack for Oldest. But no. I sit here posting about my disorganization.
I plan their outfits in my head and then I will gather all the clothes and lay them out for each of them. We will fight over who gets dressed first. Then they will all come to the table and eat. I will warn them not to get syrup on their clothes. Today we will have waffles and oranges for breakfast. See I do plan. While they are eating I make lunch/snack for Oldest. After breakfast I usher her into the bathroom to brush teeth and hair. Then we wait. I scout the bus through the trees and when I see it I yell "BUS, gooooo!" And she runs out the door across the lawn. We all stand on the porch and wave to her and blow kisses. Then we gather our blankies and jump in the Mommy Bus and off to our babysitter's we go. After I drop the boys off I head off to Starbucks for a Peppermint Mocha Twist with Christmas Carols softly playing. It is great. I pull into the parking lot at work, take a deep breath and make my way into my office and begin the race.
Maybe we are organized after all. Maybe I compare myself to people who I assume are robotically organized. To people I imagine and don't know.
I don't know how we do it. It's rush, rush, rush to get kids out the door, and then rush, rush, rush to meet deadlines at work, and then rush, rush, rush to get them fed and to bed at night. And IF (big IF) I am being organized, I spend the hour+ after they go to bed planning for the rush of the next morning. Where does that leave time for us--the mommy? Who knew it would be this tough, and yet so freaking rewarding?
If you can get out the door and make it to work with shoes that match each other I think that is pretty darn good.
I am a firm believer in what is organized to one family, may not be to another...
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