Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let them eat cookies!

Today was a day of children, except for the errands. But, they too, were children focused. First we went to Trader Joe's for KD's coffee. Oh and how we scored with delicious treats! Is there anything better than a trip to Trader Joe's? I am hard pressed to find an equal pleasure. Then off to the craft store to acquire floral wire so I could do this:

and this:

After the decorating was done and belly's were full, we went to the grocery store so they could do this:

And of course yesterday we did this:

Candles in the windows and a simple strand of white lights along the fence.

It certainly is the most wonderful time of the year!


Kelly said...

I LOVE the lights! Actually I like the lights themselves but the ornaments on them look so cute.

Debie Napoleon said...

Wasn't that a menorah in one of your pictures the other day? Just curious as we celebrate both holidays at my home...

Debie Napoleon said...

Well, we do both as well. It only gets confusing when they overlap. Like this year - lol.

Misty said...

Lovely... We spent the weekend working on Christmas as well, but my goodness yours seems simpler and more easy flowing!

Happy Valley Mom said...

The house looks great and so do the kids!