I have been sucked into the Twilight Saga books and went with a fellow follower to see the movie last night. Please bear in mind that the two of us are older than the "young adult" for whom the books/movie are targeted.
My mouth hung agape within minutes of the opening scene. It was in a word, awful. Simply awful.
The direction of this movie was absolutely abysmal. However, there is hope. The director was fired from working on the sequel. I have a degree in geology and I could have done a better job. Seriously.
Kristen Stewart's portrayal of Bella was constipated and under developed. Has this actress had acting lessons? Again, as a 40 year old mother of three with a degree in geology, I could have acted this character better.
i agree wholeheartedly... though there are other elements too. The makeup. The special effects. Editing. parts of the script. (Edward would never use the term SpiderMonkey.) when Rosalie later calls Emmett her "monkey man" we determined that monkeys must have been a sponsor and that was their product placement- along with the tree scenes...
and KS is not a great actress. she is the same in EVERY MOVIE.
My 6 year old came home and said she wanted to see this movie- huh? I said. Uh. No.
I love the series.. the books were amazing & I am completely addicted.
The movie, not so much. The acting was horrible. The directing was horrible. The special effects sucked. And they cut out 2 of the best scenes of the entire book.
I would like a redo please.
By the way, love the blog.. I just found it.
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