Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Today I took O to his post surgical follow up.  He had meatal stenosis which caused his urine stream to project up and to the left.  We could not determine if he truly had an issue until he was potty trained.  He was diagnosed with this condition when we saw the pediatric urologist for a kidney issue in July of 2007.  We went back to the pediatric urologist in October for a follow up visit on the stenosis as his kidney issue has resolved as of his last ultra sound.  He potty trained this summer and while I did not have absolute confimration that he was still a "South Paw", I was pretty sure.  While with the pediatric urologist, O was able to void, "Yep."  Do not pass go.  Do not pay $200.  Go directly to the OR.  
The standard treatment of care for his delicate, but not uncommon condition, is a meatotomy.  On November 17th I brought my youngest child to have surgery, not invasive surgery, which does assuage the worries that pulsate through the mind of a mother.  We arrived a little after 9 a.m., as instructed, nothing to eat or drink after midnight.    We waited in the outer waiting room.  We waited in the pre-op curtain area.  I did not change him into his Johnny right away.  When I did change him into it, he fussed about the discomfort of the garment and repeatedly asked for his 'normal' clothes.  After a fair amount of time waiting, he was summoned to the OR.  I accompanied him, fully gowned, and watched as they put him to sleep.  As the nurse walked me out, I told her, "This is something I do not ever need to see again."  

When M was 4 months old, I noticed a slight discoloration behind her right ear.  It became progressively darker and darker over the next month.  I brought her to our pediatrician who referred us to a pediatric dermatologist.  When she initially diagnosed the lesion, I no longer recall what the name was, she said it would disappear by the time she was two.  "Ok, I thought, nothing to worry about."  When she was three it was still there.  Nothing had really changed but we went back to the pediatric dermatologist.  It was not what she had orginally thought, it was a congenital nevus, although it was not present at birth.   The doctor took a picture of the mole so we could compare year over year.  In April this year we went for our annual check of the mole.  "We have talked about this before and as you know, things change all the time in terms of medical recommendations.  But I think we should have this removed before she goes off to college.  At that time, you won't have control over her, she will be more independent and less likely to monitor the mole."  We made our annual appointment for April of 2010 and left the office.J and I discussed the visit with the pediatric dermatologist several times.  I replayed this conversation over and over and over again in my head.  Two weeks later I called to make the appointment to have it removed, we were referred to a pediatric plastic surgeon.  

We arrived at 6 a.m. as instructed.  Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.  We signed all the paperwork, and got into her Johnny.  The pediatric anesthesiologist came to see us and told M everything that was going to happen.  She choose the bubble gum "flavored" air and off he went.  He returned a few moments later and administered some pre-operative medicine to make her drowsy.  It worked like a charm.  Within a few minutes she was barely able to speak.  Something I never want to see again.

I tell these stories only emphasize how blessed we are to have healthy children.  Healthy children.   Neither of our children suffered no ill effects or post surgical complications.  Well O did have a slight infection 10 days status post nothing some antibiotics and 5 baths in less than 8 hours couldn't fix up.   

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