Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Anyone have any ideas what this stands for????

Leave me a comment to help figure it out.

Here is a hint, I just returned home from Florida.


Anonymous said...


Secondary Security Screening Selection

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secondary Security Screening Selection or Secondary Security Screening Selectee, known by its acronym SSSS, is an airport security measure in the United States which selects passengers for additional inspection. This may also be known as Selectee, Automatic Selectee or the Selectee list.

1 How does the selectee get selected
2 Procedure when selected
3 Randomness and Credibility
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
6.1 Accounts of passengers

How does the selectee get selected
Given that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) nor the airline publish the criteria used, it may never be possible to precisely identify the actual criteria in use. The system works by selecting passengers who meet certain criteria at the time their boarding pass is issued. Some criteria that may be used to select individuals are:

Passengers with a one-way reservation[1][2] made within twenty-four hours of travel.[citation needed]
Passengers who pay cash for their tickets.[2]
Since neither the TSA nor the airline run a background check at the time boarding passes are issued, immigration status and criminal records are not taken into consideration during SSSS. Furthermore, personal information such as a passenger's addresses, employment history, and medical records are not taken into account during SSSS and may not even be readily available to government officials to modify the process and increase its validity.

A 2003 US DOI Newsletter suggests the appearance of SSSS on boarding passes may follow random selection.[3]

Procedure when selected
Passengers that have been selected for this secondary screening will have the letters SSSS or *S* (all capitals) printed on their boarding passes. In the case of Southwest Airlines, secondary screening selectees will have a "checkerboard" pattern printed on their boarding passes.[citation needed] SSSS passengers will go through a more intensive screening process which may include puffer explosive detectors. Their carry-on luggage, may be also be inspected by hand. In the case of film or other items that cannot be X-rayed, the agent may perform a test for possible explosive materials. The screener may also use a hand held metal detector to search the passenger for metal objects.[citation needed]

Randomness and Credibility
The neutrality of this section is disputed.
Please see the discussion on the talk page.
This section has been tagged since December 2007.

Since the process acts on the accumulation of certain criteria rather than mathematical probability[citation needed], it is expected that subjects may be selected more than once or more often than others. This has caused the public to believe the process is not random but instead discriminatory.[citation needed] In reality, it is a selective process in which candidates who fall under a pre-determined category are chosen.[citation needed] Nonetheless, the process may rely, intermittently, in randomness, when subjects do not fall under any category and this becomes the mathematical variable.[citation needed]

The efficiency of SSSS is highly questionable, since at least with British Airways the marking happens as mentioned at check-in.[citation needed] Thus a potential miscreant is warned and has the opportunity to leave the public area of the airport or abandon an attempt to smuggle something on board, while other passengers will be continue to be screened.[citation needed] This supports the impression that SSSS is not an actual security measure but another move to harass passengers and keep the public in a state of constant alert for political reasons.[citation needed]

See also
No-fly list
Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System
Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment: the base for the Selectee List

^ Singel, R: "How to Get Off a Government Watchlist", Wired, April 16, 2007. Accessed January 8, 2008
^ a b Women voice objection to intrusive searches at US airports DailyTimes, December 1, 2004. Accessed January 8, 2008

External links
ACLU of Washington: What is the "Selectee List"?
EPIC: Documents Show Errors in TSA's "No Fly" and "Selectee" Watch Lists
DHS to Launch Traveler Redress Inquiry Program

Accounts of passengers
Happening Here – Miscellaneous posts about the No Fly and Selectee lists and being removed from them
selectee | GurBlogs
Mark Graber (2007-04-08). Another Enemy of the People? (blog). Balkinization. Retrieved on 2007-04-12. – Walter F. Murphy
Airport InRANTation (blog). KABOBfest (2007-03-28). Retrieved on 2007-04-12.
James Moore. Branded
Retrieved from ""

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

WOW! Anonymous-you are absolutely right! That is exactly what it is and tune in later and I will give you the gory details!! Way to go! You win a brown paper bag filled with absolutely nothing!