Sunday, February 10, 2008

Keep your fingers crossed people

I beg you to keep your fingers crossed, please! Don't ask impertinent questions, just cross those fingers!!!

Ok, King Daddy just put together a bid on a job that sure would help us with that bleakness, so just keep your fingers crossed! Really, go look at his work, wouldn't you hire him? Jeez, the man is talented and reasonably priced, I might add!

Cross 'em NOW!


Allie said...

Wow, I wish I lived near you and needed some woodwork done. I'll give you a ring if I move, okay.

Anonymous said...

Can he come to Australia?
Seriously, keeping everything crossed for you.

Deb said...

I'm with allie bear - if we lived closer and could afford it, we'd so hire him to do work on our house...

Keeping everything crossed! :)

Unknown said...

Oh fingers crossed X