Friday, May 2, 2008

The conclusion

This is the man who retrieved the forgein body from Oldest's ear. He removed it in 3 seconds flat with a tiny vacuum. King Daddy watched the whole thing on a t.v. screen. Oldest kept her eyes clenched shut the entire time. When he entered the room, King Daddy said to Oldest, "He is the handsomest, gentlest doctor I have ever seen!" To which this doctor chuckled.

I came home from work and went to bed. I am totally spent.



KathyLikesPink said...

Wow. I'm late in reading blogs - I missed a lot of drama and trauma! How frightening. I'm glad it's OUT and all is well. Or at least, settled down.

Misty said...

Om my goodness, Thank God it's over- more like...I love it when the doctors end up great!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

oh my gosh! I can imagine how panicked you were - that is really scary!

Glad to hear she's on the mend....

scargosun said...

I think my sister shoved part of a (unused) diaper up her nose and had to go to the dr for it.
Remember, you need to tall her teenage friends about this later. :)

Kyla said...

Ack! I'm glad he got it out easily!

Lindsay said...

I'm glad everything turned out alright! Hope your weekend is going well.

Kristi said...

I missed the whole ordeal but I am glad to come home to find out the outcome. I'm glad to worked out well.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it was all ok.
No wonder you are exhausted.

Texasholly said...

Bless that doctor!

This is the craziest story...I hope you got some sleep. It sounds exhauting.