Monday, May 19, 2008

MAN ip PU LAy shun

Let me tell you...

Oldest has gotten into this pattern of manipulation that makes me want to SCREAM! It is awful. She tells me that she doesn't want to go to our babysitter when I pick her up from school. She tells me that she is going to hang on tight to her seat. My response is always the same, "I won't be able to pick you up if this keeps up." Today her teacher told me that she was "missing me today." She was crying and Ms. J said she just held her and she finally calmed down. It is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS! I am to the point now that I won't pick her up any longer, it just causes me stress and clearly causes her stress.

I don't know what to do anymore!

We were in Maine this weekend and had a lovely time. The kids love staying at a hotel, with a pool. It was fun. However, they stayed up late and woke early. Both days. So it was not all that surprising that we had two melt downs from two out of the three.

Middle's occurred while we were trying to go for a walk. He wanted to be carried. We finally got him calmed down. King Daddy and he arrived back to the house before we did, so as soon as he laid eyes on me, he started again.

Oldest's occurred at LL Bean. I was a spectacle as she screamed all the way back to the car. It was OUT of CONTROL! But as her parents we knew we were going into a situation with that possibility. And it happened. No one to blame. It is a cumulative effect.

We got everyone into the car with a little extra effort concerning Oldest. We listened to her scream and yell, King Daddy could not control his laughter. Not a good thing to do when a child is angry. By the time we got to Portland they had mercifully fallen asleep. I was hopeful that bed time would be early last night. But alas, it was not. Oldest and Middle each came down stairs, they punched each other and tears ensued. Sigh...

King Daddy is off to a Red Sox game tonight so it will be just us chickens. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well.


Misty said...

well, I am here in Idaho crossing my fingers for you too! Bless your heart... That's a lot of pressure to carry as you approach your evening.

Karen said...

That's hard. I always tell myself that horrible as it is, it's just a phase. Hopefully it's short lived.

scargosun said...

I am so sorry! I can't imagine what that must take out of you to deal with. It must totally wipe you out. I think that's what they go for...

I think I did. ;)

Lindsay said...

Man, I do NOT look forward to this, but I know it's gonna come soon. I can't even eat french fries in front of my daughter without worrying if she'll scream at the top of her lungs wanting one.

Hang in there; it'll EVENTUALLY pass!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed it is a phase that will end for you and oldest soon.
All I have is hugs and hang in there's

S said...

isn't it amazing what a change in routine can cause?


3XMom said...

oh I am so with you. My oldest know exactly how to push my buttons and now does it daily. Making me CRAZY.