Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother of Invention OR

Poster child for the definition of insanity. I am not sure.

Some days it feels like I do not accomplish anything. But here is the thing, I don't TRY to accomplish anything and then I get frustrated and annoyed when things aren't done. Definition of insanity? Doing the same things over and over expecting different results. BINGO!!!

Admittedly I am not a super organized person. Admittedly I am not a person who follows a plan or has a routine. For example, I don't do dishes every night after dinner nor laundry every morning. Many people are like that, I am not. I doesn't make me a bad person, it makes me a crazy person!!! I often put pressure on myself and compare myself to people who are like that. I need to stop doing that. It is deleterious.

I feel overwhelmed a lot of the time and know that I need to take major steps to attack things in our home. When I think about my previous job and how I never felt like this then, I am reminded that 1. I had only two children and 2. I worked from home 2 days a week. I think I will ask if I can work from home one day a week. Just being able to throw a load of laundry in will assuage my anxiety.

What I really want? A person to do all of my laundry and make dinner for us. Everyday. How awesome would that be?!!!!


scargosun said...

One of those days...weeks...months?

You cannot do everything all the time. You shouldn't even try. You hit the important stuff, loving your family and making sure they know it. So what if the laundry piles up? It will eventually get done. Dishes? They will get done too. Take a deep breath and an hour for yourself.

scargosun said...

O! BTW, our DVR is on the fritz so I am trying to catch this weeks DC on a replay but am having trouble. We'll talk about it soon.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

How are you at making lists? Any good? That helped my organization immensely.

But I think you might be on to something there with having someone do you laundry and make your meals...that will work too!

Candid Carrie said...

This is a very archaic terms, but we need to have a "secretary" or a "page" and then we could delegate. I am all about delegating.

Deb said...

I always have very good intentions of trying to get more organized about housework. And then they fall by the wayside because I'm horrible about sticking to any kind of schedule for it. I tend to do housework under the mantras of 'only when I absolutely have to' and 'as long as it looks better than it did, then it's ok'.

Can I borrow your laundry/dinner person? ;)

KathyLikesPink said...

Oh my gosh, where do I sign up for the person to come in and do everything? I am the world's worst housekeeper - the truth is I feel overwhelmed by so much of it - and there are so many other things I would rather be doing!

I can't believe you said it was easier when you ONLY had two children. I have ONE and I am still always behind the 8-ball!

Breathe, breathe....

scargosun said...


Erick was on the Rollo and I liked him but his crew was pretty cool too so I miss them. I think it is funny that Keith (Wizard) put the pot o potty on the North American's pot...funny as in kinda hypocritical since he specifically said last Opie season that he would never mess with another guy's pots. Not enough Phil this week!

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of us feel that way. It's really difficult to balance everything when you are a working mom. I've been lucky that I was work-free my first two years of motherhood and then only taught one class a semester for the three years after that. I am both excited about and dreading the thought of tripling my teaching load this fall. I have no idea how anything will get done or how we'll all get out the door on time each morning. I do know this though: if it comes down to work, parenting, spending quality time with my husband and housework and something has to give - it's going to be the housework.

Anonymous said...

I hear you, my friend, loud and clear.