Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Say what?!

Some things are not meant for children's ears.

Every morning on the way to our babysitter we go over the rail road tracks fast, it is a pretty big bump and they shriek with glee! We slow down to check out the water fall and always keep our eyes peeled for turkeys. This morning as we were driving we passed a house that we pass every day. On Saturday our neighbor was helping us with our lawn mower and we got to talking. He asked us if we had heard of the man who was arrested for a string of murders, who lived in our town. "Of course we have heard of him," I replied. The neighbor went on to tell us that this guy actually lived in the house on the other side of his house and that they used to play when they were growing up. Needless to say my eyes were wide open and I inquired, "Did he torture animals?"

So while on the way this morning, it was on my tongue, as we passed this house to say, "That is the house where the murderer lived!" I refrained, remembering my audience. But chuckled to myself at the sheer inappropriateness of the comment. Sometimes my brain is beyond ridiculous!


Candid Carrie said...

Alright, I applaud your restraint! I would have blurted, then stammered, and then found a different route to take forever and ever.

Misty said...

Wow... that is really something. Did he torture animals? I would have asked this too...

Kristi said...

We had a convicted sexual assaulter a few houses down from us until the new law came through saying that they couldn't live within a certain distance from schools and we have one at the end of our street. I think I will make it a habit to always have a house near a school.

We realized that we have to be more careful too, especially since Noah can now figure out what we're talking about when we're spelling words. I have told my husband to switch to pig latin but he doesn't understand how to speak it.

Unknown said...

I probably would have blurted it out. My kids are greatly intrigued by Ed Gein's grave and I have taken them to it. If you don't know who Ed Gein is/was, he's the guy they based Texas Chainsaw Massacre on and Silence of the Lambs, just to name a couple. But my kids are all teens.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

ohhhh...just think of the questions you'd have to answer if you blurted that out. Or the terror every time you'd drive by - you'd have to find a new route!

Karen said...

The kids didn't hear the conversation then? Because mine would have been all "what's a murdered? Where did he live? Who lives next door to us?"

scargosun said...

Your brain filter was working this morning! Mine doesn't usually kick in until about 11am. :) It's always so scary though when you know about a violent offender so close to home. It's always at the front of your mind.

Anonymous said...

Wowzers! Eeek! Good job with the self restraint.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Good for you to bite your tongue. I can only imagine the questions you would have gotten from the back seat! You probably would never be able to drive past that house again!

KathyLikesPink said...

Not to ignore the serial killer part - but the pointing stuff out as you drive? I still do that and Darling Daughter is 13. Old habits die hard I guess. Somehow she is no longer thrilled when I point out cow, horses, firetrucks, and other things that would have thrilled her when she was small.

Actually now that I think about it, she's at the age where she WOULD be interested if I pointed out a house of a killer. She is into all things CSI.

Texasholly said...

That is freaky how close he was. UGH. I am glad you held your tongue. Sounds like something I would say without thinking and then not be able to take it back. ever.

Sarah said...

*lol* I admire your restraint...I would've blurted it out and then beat myself up the whole rest of the way!! I sometimes lack the self-control or common sense to keep my trap shut :D

scargosun said...

Almost forgot to tell you. Wasn't ignoring your post/comment. I have not seen last night's episode. I am going to watch before book club tonight. Then your question will make sense, ;)