Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today, above all days, I am reminded of all of my blessings. Today, we are forced to slow down and spend time with our thoughts. In an uber fast paced world still focused on more, I forget about all that I am blessed with. I am thankful for all of it.

I am thankful for a husband who adores me, for children who are disobedient, loving and kind. I am thankful for the house that we can make our mortgage payment on, that needs more work than we have time for. I am thankful for the cars that we drive and the ability to make our payments. I am thankful for our jobs. I am thankful that we are all healthy. I am thankful for a positive outlook and the ability to see beauty in people and nature. I am thankful for children who wonder at the world. I am thankful for all the teacher's I have met in my life, teacher's who have come in the form of friends. I am thankful for my faith and the ability to trust. I am thankful for the life I have and from where I came. I am thankful for the cats who have come to us this year. I am thankful for all the humor that surrounds me.

We are blessed and thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Valley Mom said...

very nice!
I am thankful for you

Mandy said...

That's a beautiful picture! Hope you guys had a great one.