Saturday, October 31, 2009

We are Swine

It is not easy but I am managing my hysteria/anxiety. 

KD teaches at the first Massachusetts school that was closed due to "flu like illnesses."   Baby fell asleep  last Wednesday night, on the floor, with a fever.  I kept him home on Thursday. I sent Middle off to our baby sitter sneezing and sniffling.  I called at 3 pm, he had a fever.  Oldest went to school as planned.  Friday Oldest woke up and complained that she didn't feel well.  I was suspect. However, about 1/2 hour later, I realized that she too was sick.  We had decided the night previous that KD would stay home despite the fact that he had missed Monday and Tuesday that week due to his swine-ess.  The phone rang at 7:30 a.m. on Friday.  A recorded message from the Superintendent of KD's school, the school was closing at 11:00 on Friday and would remain closed until Wednesday of the following week. 

That was settled so I went off to work.  Fearing that I too would succumb to Swine I procured goods that would enable the children to be somewhat self-sufficient.  I bought  snacks and juice boxes. I bought ginger ale and saltines, no one should be without when sick.  When I arrived home, with pizza, KD was in pretty bad shape.  I sent him off to take a shower and set about cleaning up the house.  I filled the lower drawer of the refrigerator, usually reserved for fruits, with juice boxes.  I tested to see if they could open the drawers and help themselves. When KD emerged he seemed better, he ate a little and had some ginger ale, then I sent him off to bed. 

The children and I did our usual Friday night tradition.  We light candles, turned off all the lights, ate pizza, snuggled up and watch a movie.  One by one they fell asleep.  After I carried each of them up to their beds I debated:  sleep upstairs with the "sickies" or sleep on the couch.  I fell asleep watching television, so that took care of that.

Saturday morning, I bathed, er scrubbed, all the children and got them dressed.  Baby and I hit the store to secure the germ killers.  We made it through the weekend and by Monday, all but one of us was where they were supposed to be.

So from our house to yours, we hope you remain germ free.

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