Friday, January 1, 2010

A firmness to resolve in 2010

2009 ended with a focus on changing, 2010 will continue the change for our family and our lives.  In 2010 I will focus on me, I have been lost in the shuffle of working full time, motherhood and wifehood.  In order to be the fountain for our family I must replenish and focus on my soul.  

J and I resolve to a monthy date, no matter what.  We have a weekend away we need to complete as it was thwarted by Mother Nature.

J and I resolve to  have a weekly meeting, we think of it as a Board meeting.  We will discuss things of monetary nature and the schedules of each member of our family.

I resolve to write.  Really write and focus on my skills. 

I resolve not to smoke, I am beginning the 3rd day without cigarettes.  I am one of those smokers that can not smoke for days, but I have yet to fully give it up.

I resolve to eat less without sacrifice.  Food is the fuel for the most magnificent machine as well as the assistant in the celebration of life.

I resolve to move my body and pump my heart.

I resolve to plan our lives, to the degree that I am able.  I will coordinate my vacation time and use it to coincide with work holidays and the children's/J's schedule. 

I resolve to rise earlier than my children, on school days, to ensure peace and harmony for our mornings.

I resolve to find a church and bring the children consistently to that newly found church.

I resolve to find the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Welcome 2010, we are happy to meet you.



Happy Valley Mom said...

Hadn't read your blog in awhile. Like the new set up.
also think your resolutions are great!!!

Rebecca Bell said...

Betsy, we'd love you to come and check out our church, New Hope Chapel in Westboro. It's very informal and the kids would know JJ & Abby!

Shelby said...

adorable blog.. your resolve sounds like what mine needs to be.