Sunday, January 11, 2009


On Friday, whilst at home with Baby, who has a nasty cold, he said: "I half to go get my shoes, I half to go outside to go bye byes in my space ship because you will miss and I will come back because you will miss me." And he turned and walked out of the room, with green boogies dripping from his nose.

Oldest has a fondness for scrounging things out of a closet that contains clothes from the Before Children era, you know, they no longer fit as I birthed 3 in 3. In said closet are also items of hers that she wore for special occasions and I just can't bear to part with. One dress is a 12-18 month tulle bottomed cap sleeved number, with matching sweater. She wore it to her cousins Bar Mitzvah. She was precious. Sadly I did not provide a bib and the dress was stained. In any event, on Friday night she. put. it. on.

Then she added accoutrements.

People she will be SIX in 7 weeks, wears a 4/5, weighs 43 pounds. She most certainly does not wear 12-18 months!

Middle is a natural born snow boarder. Truly. It took him three tries to get the hang of it and he was off.

The adjuster is writing up an estimate to replace the ceiling, the floor, the sub-floor and the walls. The washing machine is all screwed up and that is being serviced on Wednesday. That is a long time not to do laundry!

Yes, that is standing water in the laundry basket.

Yes, that rug is SOPPING wet. Humphf.

But the BIGGEST notable? We have a new nephew! Born today approximately 12:30, 8lbs, 4 oz. We can't WAIT to meet him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are more than welcome to drop a load or two of laundry off at my house on your way to work in the morning, and I'll wash and dry it before you collect it on your way home. Seriously, it's no trouble!