Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love and Loss

These two emotions, if that is what they are, go hand in hand.  To love means that you have agreed with your subconcious to risk losing.  For if you never risk, you will never love and if you love you will lose.  It is without fail.  We lost a lot last year, first him and then her.  But we were brave enough again to open our hearts and accept the risk that comes with love.  Last night we lost.  Our hearts hurt, our spirits limp.  But it is because we have loved and lost that we are better humans.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I am so, so sorry. I lost, too, a couple of weeks ago and I know I will feel that loss for a long time. I'm trying to focus on the amazing time we had with our Bonnie, but it's hard when I'd give just about anything to have her here with us again.