Thursday, January 21, 2010

Resolutions check-in

Like most people we made resolutions, J and I.  Here is the list of resolutions: 

J and I resolve to a monthy date, no matter what. We have a weekend away we need to complete as it was thwarted by Mother Nature. - We went out for a date early in January, time to plan our next date night.  Nothing for our weekend away, yet. 

J and I resolve to have a weekly meeting, we think of it as a Board meeting. We will discuss things of monetary nature and the schedules of each member of our family. - We have had one every week and they are fantastic.

I resolve to write. Really write and focus on my skills. - Progress here, as evidenced by posting every day.  I met with a friend who has an agent to understand the full process to publication.  I also realized that I am not one of the people who goes after something they want with singular focus, but rather passively hopeful.  Another thing to add to the list.

I resolve not to smoke, I am beginning the 3rd day without cigarettes. I am one of those smokers that can not smoke for days, but I have yet to fully give it up. - I am up to 22 days here folks.

I resolve to eat less without sacrifice. Food is the fuel for the most magnificent machine as well as the assistant in the celebration of life. - Fast food has almost been eliminated from my diet.  I have eaten it only 3 times since the beginning of January. 

I resolve to move my body and pump my heart. - Not so good on this front.  Need more time and more money.  I walked once and have inquired about a Zumba class at town hall.

I resolve to plan our lives, to the degree that I am able. I will coordinate my vacation time and use it to coincide with work holidays and the children's/J's schedule. - This has been huge to my quality of life.  I have already planned out my vacation days for the year.  All of our schedule's are on the calendar and we discuss the schedule during our board meetings.

I resolve to rise earlier than my children, on school days, to ensure peace and harmony for our mornings.- Beyond peaceful.  This has been the singular difference in my world. 

I resolve to find a church and bring the children consistently to that newly found church.- We went back to the church that we first attended Easter of 2008.  The one that I had sporadically attened since.  The kids are all old enough to attend Sunday School so I can the service in peace.  And by the way?  They were the only kids dressed up.  Happy!

I resolve to find the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. - This has helped a lot, but I still need to lean on this more.

In addition to the resolutions listed above, we are committed to taking control of our finances.  We enrolled in Financial Peace University, which starts on the 25th.  We are tracking all of our bills, debts, income and spending.  Change is very very hard, but we are committed to changing.  We are committed to this because our family deserves better.  J deserves better.  I deserve better.  When it comes to manners of money, it is up to us to ensure that we have taught our children well.  So we will learn to be better, we will learn to change.


Melanie Gao said...

Please blog about the Financial Peace University and whether it was helpful for you. I checked it out and saw that they have online courses for $99. I'm considering signing up.

dave said...

sounds like you have strong willpower and discipline. I just quit too! 22 days, not much farther! :)